At IKEA, we believe that home should be a place of safety and respect. Unfortunately, for some of us, it’s not. Every fourth woman in Latvia has experienced violence from her intimate partner at least once in her life. 

That’s why we decided to raise awareness about domestic violence through our “Notice violence” initiative.

About the initiative


When domestic violence occurs, it creates a domino effect that impacts entire families, weakens communities and harms society as a whole. This year, we are launching a new wave of awareness campaign, highlighting commonly used excuses and societal phrases that may not only delay help but also diminish the true scale of abuse, causing us to lose sight of the issue. Our goal is to remind everyone that standing up against domestic violence requires all of us.

Join us in the movement, keep your eyes wide open, and contribute to change. Only together can we create a better life at home for the many.

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What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence occurs in an intimate relationship, which makes it common to think that this is a private matter between two people. But in very truth, violence at home is a problem of the whole society.

83 % in Latvia already disagree that domestic violence is a private matter and should be handled within the family.

Eurobarometer survey on gender stereotypes and violence against women (2024)
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There are many forms of domestic violence:

Psychological violence

Intentional emotional abuse or controlling behaviour that involves seriously impairing a person’s psychological integrity through coercion or threats.

Sexual violence

Any sort of harmful or unwanted sexual behaviour that is imposed on someone, including action against one's will, abuse and other acts.

Physical violence

The intentional commission of acts of physical violence against another person, violent behaviour resulting in harm and fear.

Economic violence

Occurs when an intimate partner denies or limits access to financial resources or to the labour market.
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Warning signs of violence

If you suspect that a family member, friend, acquaintance, colleague, neighbour, or anyone you know may be a victim of violence but you're unsure, consider the following signs.

  • Bruises, scratches, hematomas that cannot be reasonably explained
  • Constantly being late
  • Regular calls from their partner or spouse
  • Unexpected absences from work or unexplained illnesses
  • Changes in appearance
  • Shyness, anxiety or depressive mood
  • Constant tension or excessive worry
  • Eating disorders or difficulty sleeping
  • Persistent, vague health complaints
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Trouble making decisions
  • Nightmares
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Are you able to notice and recognise domestic violence? Find out if you or someone around you might experience it.

Take the test
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The dangers of victim-blaming

Victim-blaming involves shifting the responsibility for the act of violence onto the victim and can have harmful consequences:
  • It diminishes the victim’s sense of trust and security, making them less likely to seek help or report the violence.
  • It diverts attention away from the perpetrator.
  • It perpetuates the false belief that the victim is guilty and responsible for the perpetrator’s behaviour.
  • It deepens the self-blame that the perpetrator has already instilled in the victim by repeatedly insisting that everything is their fault.
  • It takes the focus off the perpetrator by not questioning their motives, responsibility or actions.

What to do if I suspect violence

  • Be kind and attentive while talking to a person who is a victim of domestic violence.
  • Do not judge the victim’s actions or failure to act. Be patient and open.
  • Point out that violence is not the victim’s fault.
  • Do not urge the victims to act here and now, do not press them or be too intrusive. Allow them to open up at their own pace.  
  • Encourage the victim to seek specialized help: police, medical care, specialized help centres.

If you need help or support, you can always contact: 
  • hotline for victims of violence: 116 006 (every day 12:00–22:00);
  • 24/7 hotline for emotional and psychological support: 116123, 67222922 or 27722292;
  • state supported legal aid: 80001801;
  • free helpline for children and adolescents: 116111;
  • emergency number 110 to report domestic violence in urgent situations.

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A bag that will get noticed. For the issue that is often unseen.

To raise public awareness against the domestic violence, we have teamed up with a famous Latvian artist Kristians Brekte and created a limited collection of NOTICE VIOLENCE bags expressing the idea of noticing violence in his unique style.

Bags contain symbolic messages, like eye embroidery that encourages to open eyes and notice violence. Safety belts used as handles symbolize the lack of safety for violence victims and a change of mindset needed in the society to protect them. 

Wear these bags and pin as a symbol reminding to never close eyes to domestic violence.

Home, even the temporary one, has to be a safe and comfortable place. To improve the living conditions of the families affected by the domestic violence, we have done a series of makeovers at the crisis centres ("Mīlgrāvis" and “Burtnieks”) and renovated approximately 450 square metres of premises so far.

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A home away from home

The mission of our interior designers Ieva and Renāte was to give the temporary accommodation an air of a safe haven to regenerate and to gather strength for starting anew. See how an involuntary utilitarian minimalism with basic furnishing essentials has turned into a true home away from home.

Before & after
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A kitchen for big and small

At the second stage of our makeovers, the task was to freshen up a kitchen of a crisis centre to fit the many temporary inhabitants that come and go here. we didn't want to make the kitchen purely utilitarian, it had to feel like home. See how our interior designer Elīna made this happen.

Before & after
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Space for imagination and creativity

At third makeover stage  in a crisis center "Burtnieks", our designer combined creativity and practicality. The spacious classroom is the center's heart. Here people in crisis can take refuge in creative activities that encourage communication and trust and heal the soul through art and work. Check out how our designer Ieva made it happen!

Before & after
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A safe haven for families

Explore another transformative makeover of the kitchen and living rooms in the crisis centre "Burtnieks", whre our interior designers incorporated functional and stylish furniture, optimising space and creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Before & after

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